Corvus Coffee - El Cedral Natural Caturra

Natural Caturra Corvus Coffee

Natural Caturra Corvus Coffee

The Basics:

Corvus Coffee Roasters

Origin: Santa Maria, Costa Rica

Varietal: Caturra

Processing: Natural

Brewing Method: Chemex with 50g of coffee to 650g of water

$22 MSRP in monthly subscription box


Roasted almonds, blood orange, and dark chocolate orange candy.


Tart cranberry sauce, orange zest, pomegranate, granny smith apple, and lemon preserves.


Cranberry and macadamia nut cookies, orange zest, and toasted coconut.

Final Thoughts:

When I first received this package from Corvus, I was blown away by the attention to detail. A beautiful matte black canister, a painting to represent Central America, and an origin story/tasting guide. Immediately you know this is a company that has a true passion for coffee. Upon the first pour, I couldn’t believe the amount of tart citrus notes bursting from the cup, which were unlike the dark chocolate heavy notes I am used to in most coffees. There is a wonderful orange zest and pomegranate note that carries from the nose to the finish, which is both delicious and refreshing. I thoroughly enjoy this coffee, especially first thing in the morning to start the day on a high note! Corvus Coffee Roasters is making some delicious coffee, and will certainly be one I go back to.


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